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Land Assembly

For over 4 decades we’ve been the most active and successful land assembly specialists in Metro Vancouver. Our reputation and network ensures that your site is being presented to the right developer group.

What is land assembly

Combining multiple properties to form larger development sites, owners can realize higher returns.

We qualify and pre-assemble sites to minimize risk, create collaboration between neighbours and achieve shorter transactional timelines with maximum financial success.

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

How it works and who can participate

Selling your home as part of a land assembly is a COMMERCIAL real estate transaction. Complex contractual Terms and Conditions along with municipal policy to gain approval may be required. You need a Commercial Land Broker with a proven track record in development land sales to guide you.

Not every homeowner can take part in land assembly.  An increase in land value can be achieved through assembly if your property is designated for higher density.  Our team is aware of where and how land use might be changing, and are here to help.


The London Pacific formula for success

  • Cutting-edge market intelligence and development feasibility studies
  • Thorough stakeholder consultations, proforma evaluations and tailored strategic plans
  • In-house digital design and professional marketing
  • Vetted network of Developer Buyers
  • Goal driven negotiations
  • Time sensitive communications, regular owner conferencing and info sessions

Can I participate in a land assembly?

If your property has land assembly or redevelopment potential it might be time to have us host you and your neighbours for an information session. Talk to a member of our team to get started.

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