Original Opportunity: 3 Lot Assembly in Moody Centre Development: “Sophia Living” 30 units, 3 Storey Townhomes Medium Low Density Townhome Development Opportunity This site offers 26,141 square feet of gross developable area in Port Moody. It is a three lot land assembly currently zoned for RS-1, Single Family use. However, the successful applicant can re-zone … Continued
Sold properties
Original Opportunity: 4 Lot Assembly in Lynn Creek Neighbourhood SOLD To: Adera Equities Development: “Red” 100% Rental Apartment Lan Assembly Development Opportunity | North Vancouver This offering totals 30,200 square feet of gross developable land within the Lynn Creek Community Plan. The land assembly includes four lots located in the middle of approximately 2 acres (12 lots) … Continued
Original Opportunity: 12 Lot Assembly in Moodyville Neighbourhood SOLD To: Anthem Group Development: “Founders Block South” 56 Townhome Units Level 4B Medium Density Townhouse Opportunity This 82,200 square foot site is designated under the current new Official Community Plan for LEVEL 4B medium density townhouse. Bylaws are yet to be established but a density ceiling … Continued